Jaune Diesnt Get Along Eitg His Family Fanfic
A girl who dreamed of being a hero, and was forced to face the realities of being i.
A girl who was born into everything only found she had nothing.
A girl who fought for freedom and is now tormented by her by.
And a girl who fights through life, trying to observe her place in the world.
RWBY: Scars (also known as RWBY: Scars AU
on Archive of Our Own) is a retelling of the series RWBY. The story takes the base of operations version of the cartoon and revamps it into a much darker story. RWBY: Scars began in 2016 and then it adds in elements from later volumes into its chapters.
Squad RWBY is a team of teenage Hunters-in-training who wish to try and ameliorate the harsh world they alive in. However, they all accept their troubled pasts and prejudices that they must deal with forth the mode.
This fic provides examples of:
- Abusive Parents:
- Weiss' father is physically and emotionally abusive, while her mother is a neglectful Alcoholic Parent.
- Pyrrha has a Sports Mom who forces her to exceed athletically because she's trying to live through Pyrrha. Pyrrha became a huntress to avoid her mother.
- Mercury'south father was a physically abusive alcoholic. During a fight, Mercury killed him.
- Miltia mentions to Yang that she and her sister Melanie had a physically calumniating begetter. One twenty-four hours they ran away from home and that's how they met Junior. Their mother isn't much ameliorate, simply she's more-so emotionally neglectful.
- Accidental Misnaming: In the 2d affiliate, Yang accidentally refers to Jaune as "John". Ruby makes the same mistake as well.
- Adaptational Angst Upgrade:
- Weiss has a breakdown in the quaternary affiliate after realizing how shut she was to being eaten alive by a Beowolf. This contrasts with the much more lighthearted portrayal in the episode. In full general, Weiss is a lot more troubled than in canon due to her Dark and Troubled Past and poor mental wellness.
- Ren is traumatized by his past. He suffers from nightmares and starts hyperventilating the commencement time he sees a student mawled past a Grimm. Nora poking him in the olfactory organ is a condolement tactic, rather than Nora simply being annoyingly playful.
- Thought she doesn't reflect on information technology much, Pyrrha is given a troubled childhood due to her female parent'due south emotional corruption. In canon, there's zero to imply she has a bad habitation life. Pyrrha later gets much more angsty after Jaune's decease.
- Neo and her father Roman both take Dark And Troubled Pasts which nonetheless problem them.
- Adaptational Diversity: RWBY Scars features more queer and disabled characters than in canon. The titular team alone has been changed: Ruby is a female-attracted asexual trans girl (every bit opposed to a presumably cisgender Celibate Hero), Weiss is lesbian and mentally ill (instead of male-attracted and not mentally ill), Blake is noted as bisexual early on, and Yang is explicitly bisexual from the start. The characters are also given slightly clearer divers ethnicities than in the Mukokuseki show due to more than emphasis on Fantasy Counterpart Civilization, and then three out of four members of RWBY are at minimum half-Asian coded.
- Adaptational Gender Identity:
- RWBY stars a cis girl named Ruby. In the rewrite RWBY Scars, Ruby is a trans daughter who lived every bit a boy named "Crimson" for the start twelve years of her life.
- Jaune in catechism is a cis boy, but he'due south a transgender boy in RWBY Scars, which adds onto his Joan D Classic inspirations. He transitioned upon coming to Beacon. He cut off his ponytail, stole his grandfather'south sword, and ran off without telling his family.
- RWBY Scars turns Weiss' younger blood brother Whitley into her twin sis Whitley. After being dragged back home by their father, Weiss notices that Whitley has transitioned into living as a boy.
- Adaptational Squeamish Guy:
- Whitley is more than kind and sympathetic towards Weiss than he is in canon.
- Winter is noticeably less strict with Weiss than her catechism counterpart.
- Adaptational Jerkass:
- Adam's depicted as abusive and brutal from the outset. He lacks the initial calmness of his canonical analogue.
- Blake starts off equally a much darker grapheme with a vivid hatred of Weiss. She's as well much meaner, which includes moments such as punching, and threatening Yang in the initiation due to not wanting to be her partner.
- Weiss' racism towards Faunus is ramped upwardly. She was taught by her father that they were beneath humans. She also vented out much of her acrimony on Faunus instead of directing them at her parents.
- Adaptational Job Alter: Keeping with Sunday beingness introduced every bit a stowaway in Volume ane, Sun and Neptune are travelers rather than students at Haven.
- Adaptation Proper name Alter:
- Blake'south name is "Hozuki Blake". "Belladonna" is made-upwardly (or, more specifically, it comes from her alias as "The Belladonna"). This was changed in order to ready the Fridge Logic in how no one knows who Blake'south parents are, despite their importance.
- Downplayed with Yang. Her proper name is written final proper noun first instead of Western-way, making her "Xiao Long Yang" instead of "Yang Xiao Long".
- Adaptation Relationship Overhaul: Weiss and Whitley have been turned into twins.
- Accommodation Species Change:
- Fox is changed from a human to a fox Faunus who also only happens to be named "Fox".
- Neo isn't a human with an illusionist semblance, but a chameleon Faunus with an illusionist semblance (her Faunus trait is really a forked natural language).
- Salem's backstory is unlike. She isn't a sometime human. She's now the sole fellow member of a long forgotten and extinct species of humanoids called "Grimm"/"Trucii".
- Adapted Out: Subverted. Cerise and Sage don't announced early on because Sun and Neptune are just a traveling couple, non Hunters-in-training. Blood-red and Sage aren't adapted out every bit they announced several dozen chapters in as Raven'due south peers.
- Age Elevator:
- In the cartoon, it's implied that Crimson was a toddler at oldest when Summer died. Scars ups her to seven. Also, Yang has been aged up a few years in the flashbacks.
- Winter is changed from being in her early on 20s to her late 20s.
- Ascended Extra:
- Inferior is turned into a reoccurring grapheme who Yang visits when she needs help.
- Neo is a bit graphic symbol in the first several volumes, only she'due south given more screen-fourth dimension in Scars.
- CVFY (especally Coco and Velvet) are given more than label than in canon.
- Militia and Melanie are very minor in canon just are given more screen-fourth dimension in Scars.
- Glynda is given a larger role than in catechism, appearing frequently in Yang's story in Book iv.
- Weiss' mother, Willow, has not appeared in canon but is an important character in Weiss' story in Volume 4.
- Neptune has a larger office than in catechism, joining Blake and Sun in Menagerie during Volume 4.
- Winter is given a larger role; staying at Beacon for the entirety of Book 3, and participating in the Fall of Beacon. She is added into Ozpin's inner circle and is a candidate for the Autumn Maiden's power. Her fourth dimension in Mistral after the Autumn is as well shown.
- Big Blood brother Instinct:
- The get-go affair Yang does upon landing in the forest is to expect for Crimson. She wants to make sure Ruddy doesn't die earlier even properly starting at Beacon.
- Yang goes berserk trying to detect Red after she falls down a hole and is nearly killed by a Grimm during a mission.
- Wintertime displays some of this towards Weiss when she mentions that she'll kill Blake if Blake e'er thinks about pain her.
- Bloodier and Gorier: In sharp contrast with the Anemic Carnage of the original, there'due south a lot of bloodshed and death from the very first chapter.
- Defenseless with Your Pants Downwards: Narrowly avoided. Pyrrha knocks on Weiss' dorm door during a private moment, just Weiss had locked her door beforehand. It'due south a bit embarrassing for Weiss but Pyrrha didn't notice anything amiss.
- Chronic Hero Syndrome: Summer'south Semblance invokes this. It causes a row of petals to appear, leading to people who need disquisitional assistance.
- Closet Cardinal: Prior to falling for Weiss, Blake's only relationship had been with Adam.
- Dark Fic: Scars is a darker, bloodier retelling of RWBY that covers much darker themes than the original.
- Death by Accommodation:
- Cardin, Fox, Coco, Oobleck, Port, and Jaune killed at the end of Book 3.
- Jacques and Ruby-red get killed in Volume 5.
- Demoted to Extra:
- The arc where Cardin bullies Jaune is removed, leaving Cardin a more than minor character.
- Klein has a much smaller function in Weiss' story in Volume 4, his role being replaced by Whitley, and Weiss' mother, Willow.
- Disabled in the Adaptation:
- Weiss' scarred eye gives her some pocket-size vision problems. She's too much more mentally traumatized by her Big, Screwed-Upwardly Family than in canon. In the past she had disorderly eating habits and harmed herself and she currently deals with hallucinations.
Word of God is that she suffers from schizoaffective disorder.
- Qrow'due south alcoholism stems from trying to self-medicate his trauma and low.
- Ren displays symptoms of PTSD from the attack on his hometown.
- Penny's teammate Ciel is on the autism spectrum, something non noted in catechism.
- Coco is diagnosed with PTSD partway through the fic. She also deals with leg pains from a Grimm attacking her on a mission.
- Weiss' scarred eye gives her some pocket-size vision problems. She's too much more mentally traumatized by her Big, Screwed-Upwardly Family than in canon. In the past she had disorderly eating habits and harmed herself and she currently deals with hallucinations.
- Domestic Corruption:
- Blake mentions that Adam started out a adept boyfriend but over time he became angrier and more demanding. After he put his hands on her, Blake ran away.
- Jacques' and Willow'southward relationship isn't given much note, but Jacques seems emotionally calumniating and is at minimum neglectful. The two want nothing to do with one another.
- Summer's aunt Ivory had an abusive beau.
- Does This Remind You of Anything?: Chapter 26 has a scene where Nora and Yang are fighting, and Yang pins Nora to the flooring. Nora responds by, well...
- Early-Bird Cameo: CFVY appears in the fourth chapter, teaching the freshmen how to use their parachutes every bit they launch into the forest.
- Eye Scream:
- Weiss had 1 happen to her prior to the story, hence why she has a scar over one eye. Information technology'southward mentioned that she stabbed herself.
- Whitley gets slashed across the face with his own knife when he tries to blame his father's murder on Maximus.
- Family Relationship Switcheroo: Chapter 71 reveals to the audience that Qrow is Ruby's biological male parent, non her (honorary) uncle. Summer dissever up from Qrow afterwards he began pushing her away. She moved in with Taiyang, presumably began dating him, and the two raised Ruby and Yang as their own, with Yang only learning that Summer was her step-mother effectually age 10 and Cerise only learning she wasn't Yang's full-sister at 15. No i besides Summertime, Taiyang, Qrow, and Raven seem to know about the switcheroo.
- Fantastic Racism: The tension between humans and Faunus is much more front end-and-heart than in catechism. Weiss and Blake initially get along even worse than they do in RWBY considering Weiss is disgusted by Faunus and doesn't even view them as people.
- Fantasy Pantheon:
- Humans have the Brothers Church building and the Followers of Dust. Followers of Grit believe in reincarnation.
- The traditional Faunus religion is named Ishvara. Most of the gods are animals. Mother Devi, the creator goddess, is the most humanoid god merely even she has a cat caput. Faunus believe in reincarnation and the traditional burial involves cremation. Humans are known to slander Faunus by claiming their gods are actually Grimm.
- The Branwen clan believes a bird with vi wings called the Feathered I. They do Sky Burials.
- Salem has her own cult. They dub her "the Mother" and practise Human Sacrifice.
- Fictional Counterpart:
- The book that Blake is reading upon meeting Ruby is The Foreign Case of Professor Hyena and Hyde (The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde). Ruddy mentions that she's addicted of the Garry Potter (Harry Potter) series and The Black Tower (The Dark Belfry).
- Weiss is fond of Sundoe (Starbucks) coffee.
- A conservative news network called "Jackal News" (Play a joke on News) exists.
- Pyrrha, Jaune, Nora, and Ren get in a double date at Benny'south (Denny's).
- Set Fic: Scars is a dark Fix Fic that rehauls the story, streamlining most of the narrative. Information technology as well fixes elements that stand out as odd (such as explaining Scarlet in the Yellow trailer as Yang taking her to the club with her). Downplayed in that the writer likes RWBY as is and is just irresolute information technology up in an Alternate Universe Fic.
- Gender Flip: All of Salem'due south inner circle (Watts, Tyrian, and Hazel) are now women.
- Hates Being Touched: Downplayed. Weiss doesn't outright dislike concrete affection, only she's not used to it.
- Hold Your Hippogriffs: At one point a "box of Mistralian nutrient Chinese nutrient" is noted.
- I Take No Son!: Inverted. Yang disowns her deadbeat biological mother Raven afterwards reuniting with her for the first time since she was a baby. When Raven mocks Yang's friends and misgenders her half-sister Ruby, Yang threatens Raven with Matricide if she ever comes near her loved ones once more.
- I Just Want to Be Normal: Taiyang was only ever interested in mundane normality: becoming a Hunter then settling downward with a wife and kids.
- Incompatible Orientation:
- Summertime declined Raven'southward love confession because she was straight.
- Implied with Raven and Taiyang. Raven was in love with Summertime but it was unrequited. She had sex activity with Taiyang one time and ended upward significant with Yang. The two tried to be together just Raven simply tolerated Tai. For his part, Taiyang never seemed to discover that Raven didn't love him.
- Jaune and Cardin both have crushes on Weiss, but Weiss is gay. Jaune quickly moves on but Cardin won't take "no" for an answer, even later on Weiss tells him she's lesbian.
- Interrupted Suicide: Weiss attempts suicide later her father forces her to go back home. She's saved when her mother finds her.
- Introverted Cat Person: Summer's aunt Ivory is a lonely person whose only friend, besides Summer, is her cat.
- "It" Is Dehumanizing: Glynda considers Penny an "abomination" and refers to her as "it".
- Named by the Accommodation:
- Middle names are given to certain characters. For case, Pyrrha's full name is "Pyrrha Diana Nikos".
- Raven and Qrow'southward female parent is named "Ebony".
- Penny and Ciel's squad name is given as "CMPT" (compute).
- Nephewism: Summer was raised by her maternal aunt Ivory after her mother, Desert, was killed.
- Not His Sled:
- Penny's expiry occurs in the same moment just is depicted completely differently. Pyrrha'south reaction is likewise more intense.
- Yang never confronts Adam during Volume 3. She instead loses her arm to an Ursa.
- Roman is not eaten by a Grimm. Also, Neo doesn't get whisked away by the wind during that scene. The two end up just leaving together.
- Jaune is the one who is killed past Cinder, not Pyrrha.
- In Volume 4, it's revealed that Yang is in honey with Weiss , non Blake. In fact, Yang is spiteful towards Blake for having Weiss to herself and suspects Blake of beingness a inside amanuensis for the White Fang who betrayed Buoy.
- Yang is given a prosthetic arm, simply to quickly lose it in a fight. Instead, she learns how to utilize her aureola to create an arm.
- Jacques is killed before RWBY reunites.
- Mistaken for Betrayal: Without telling her team, Blake runs abroad subsequently the White Fang attack Beacon without telling her team. She was running from her abusive ex-boyfriend Adam and didn't want her loved ones to get hurt, but everyone (but the optimistic Ruddy) initially thought she had died. Velvet brings Yang back Blake's sword considering they tin can't get in touch with her family. Already in a bad headspace and jealous of Blake because she's dating Weiss, Yang begins to think that Blake was an inside agent for the White Fang the entire time.
- Mythology Gag:
- The White Fang utilize a countersign featuring lyrics "From Shadows".
- When yelling at Mirror, Weiss recites lyrics from "Mirror Mirror" and "Path to Isolation".
- Part of Yang's monologue when in Ruby's room is inspired by "Cerise Like Roses Role Ii".
- Some of Weiss' lines when telling Blake nigh her life in affiliate 35 are based on "Mirror Mirror Part II".
- Obligatory Swearing: There's niggling swearing in RWBY. I of the near noticeable changes is the amount of profanity in Scars.
- Oh, My Gods!: "Grit" and "Brothers" gets used this way depending on what pantheon the person worships. The characters also say "Gods" instead of "God".
- Once again, with Clarity!: Whitley's video recording serves equally this for Weiss' confrontation with Mirror.
- Prelude to Suicide: Weiss spends several weeks more-or-less isolated in her room, rarely getting dressed and barely even eating. Right before her suicide attempt she decides to talk to her loved ones. This unusual behavior actually saves her life. Her normally afar mother Willow decides to check up on her and finds her haemorrhage out on her bedroom floor. Willow's quick thinking leads to an Interrupted Suicide, which eventually leads into a Happily Failed Suicide.
- Promotion To Love Interest:
- Sun and Neptune are boyfriends travelling together, rather than best friends on the same team.
- Jaune's beat out on Weiss is discarded. Instead, he has a crush on Pyrrha.
- Penny asks Scarlet to the dance and the two brainstorm dating.
- Scars pairs upward Weiss and Blake. It'southward a slowburn relationship spanning several volumes.
- Ren being Oblivious to Beloved is skipped. Ren and Nora are dating already at the kickoff of the story.
- Coco and Velvet are girlfriends. In canon, they're just friends.
- Yang has unrequited feelings for Weiss.
- Related in the Adaptation:
- In RWBY catechism, Roman and Neo are close comrades who are described as beingness Like Brother and Sister. In Scars, Neo is Roman's daughter.
- Blake is depicted equally Sienna Khan's maternal niece. Kali is Sienna's sis.
- Penny'due south soul comes from Ironwood'due south Ill Girl girl.
- Blood-red is Summer and Qrow's, not Summer and Taiyang's.
- R-Rated Opening: Similar she did in the Crimson trailer, Ruby starts off the story fighting a pack of Beowolf Grimm. Unlike in the official series, Grimm tin bleed and they have internal organs. The carnage makes Ruby so disgusted that she vomits later on. This sets the Darker and Edgier tone of Scars.
- Second Love:
- Taiyang had been in dearest with Raven since Beacon and she eventually did begin dating him, merely she ran off ane day and never came dorsum. Tai so barbarous for his old teammate Summer, but she died on a mission.
- Summertime's feelings are more vague but it's implied this occured. She was High-School Sweethearts with Qrow but he pushed her away afterwards on. Summer then began staying with Taiyang, but it's never clarified if she loved him or non.
- Self-Harm: Weiss' arms are covered in scars from past self-injury. She's since stopped cut, just she always wears long sleeves to comprehend up her scars. She relapses after existence brought dorsum dwelling house at the cease of Book 3.
- Self-Punishment Over Failure: After failing to kill Qrow and Ruby-red for Salem, Tyrian punishes herself by repeatedly bully her head against the flooring to the signal where she bleeds.
- Beat-Shocked Veteran: Many hunters are this way due to Grimm hunting being an inherently trigger-happy and bloody job. Buoy's initiation test itself usually involves seeing half of the students being eaten and mawled by Grimm (sometimes earlier their parachute fifty-fifty lands).
- Shout-Out:
- Weiss makes a Harry Potter reference where she quotes Hermione'southward "Earlier either of y'all come with another clever idea to get usa killed or, worse, expelled" line.
- There'south a Batman reference when Weiss befriends a bat Faunus named "Bruce".
- Tukson's surname is said to be Schreiber.
- The former Headmaster of Haven Academy is named Ikari.
- Ivory'due south partially inspired by Satou's aunt in Happy Sugar Life, though she'due south less villainous.
- Sibling Triangle: When they began STRQ, Summer had a crush on Qrow, merely Qrow's sis Raven liked Summertime herself. Unfortunately for Raven, Summer is straight.
- Son of a Whore: Summer was raised by her aunt Ivory. Ivory slept effectually and prostituted as a way to aid bargain with traumatic memories.
- Spared past the Adaptation: Roman and Pyrrha both survive Volume 3.
- Species Surname: There's a purple-haired canis familiaris Faunus named "Violet Akita".
- Sports Dad: Pyrrha's female parent Thetis is a "sports mom". Pyrrha went to Beacon, instead of the closer Haven, to get away from her mother. Pyrrha's mother had wanted to be the Mistral Regional Tournament Champion but couldn't, so she pushed Pyrrha to reach her dream for her. But, no matter how well she did, Pyrrha was never good enough for her mother. Even after holding the title for several years, her mother still wasn't happy. Pyrrha decided to get away from her mother and put her fighting skills to applied use by helping others every bit a Huntress, and so she enrolled in Beacon Academy.
- Street Smart: Yang is a street-savvy person who knows her manner decently around the criminal underbelly. This comes from street-fighting in order to bring in coin for her family.
- Suicide Watch: After Blake yells at Weiss while out on a date, Weiss comes back to the dorm upset and questioning whether everyone would exist better off if she was dead or not. Yang and Blood-red hug her and endeavor to at-home her downwardly. They decide to keep a careful heart on her for the adjacent few days.
- Survivor's Guilt:
- Coco holds some survivor'south guilt over her would-exist teammate'due south death during initiation. Her parachute became stuck in a tree and her teammate was mawled by Beowolves.
- After Jaune's Heroic Sacrifice, Pyrrha feels this way. She wonders why he died and not her.
- Sugariness Tooth: Scarlet has i. Her first repast at Buoy consists of null but cookies, strawberries with foam, and block.
- Take That!: There's one confronting Fox News. "Jackal News" is a news agency known for bigoted anti-faunus leanings.
- That Man Is Dead: When a fan notices her, Pyrrha states that he'south mistaken and Pyrrha Nikos died during the Fall of Beacon. Pyrrha tries to pass the comment as simply trying to avoid fans, just it'south clear she meant it this way.
- Trans Relationship Troubles: Subverted. Jaune worries that his girlfriend Pyrrha won't like him after he comes out as a trans male child. He presumably came out off-screen and she didn't care.
- Tomato in the Mirror: 15-year old Ruby didn't know that she is Yang's one-half-sis until Yang accidentally lets her biological mother Raven'due south proper name sideslip out. Red had always thought she and Yang were full sisters. Neither sister also know that they're actually step-sisters and biologically cousins, not one-half-sisters, because Qrow is Scarlet's biological male parent. Yang is told this later by Raven, merely Qrow lies and tells her not to believe his liar of a sis.
- Plough to Religion: Weiss becomes more devout in her religious beliefs after Buoy falls and her depression worsens. For several weeks, she only exits her room to get to temple.
- Unintentional Final Bulletin: For her girlfriend's 16th birthday, Penny fabricated Ruby a video message, in example she was forced to motion back home. She was killed before her girlfriend'due south birthday.
- You're Not My Father: Yang disowns her deadbeat biological female parent Raven after reuniting with her for the first time since she was a babe. When Raven mocks Yang's friends and misgenders her half-sister Cerise, Yang threatens Raven with matricide if she ever comes near her loved ones again.
Source: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Fanfic/RWBYScars
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