Chaos Knight Chaos Knight Dota 2 Funny
Chaos Bolt
Damage reduced from 90-180/110-220/130-260/150-300 to 60-120/90-180/120-240/150-300
Chaos Strike
Lifesteal reduced from 24/36/48/60% to 20/30/40/50%
Chaos Bolt
Shard bonus range decreased from 300 to 150
Chaos Strike
No longer applies Bonus damage to Creep Heroes and Roshan.
Chaos Strike deals 1.5x damage to creeps
Base Movement Speed increased from 320 to 325.
Chaos Strike proc chance increased from 30% to 33.33%
Reality Rift armor reduction increased from 3/4/5/6 to 4/5/6/7
Strength gain reduced from 3.4 to 3.2
Reality Rift cooldown increased from 15/12/9/6 to 18/14/10/6
Chaos Strike lifesteal decreased from 25/40/55/70% to 24/36/48/60%
Chaos Strike max critical damage increased from 140/170/200/230% to 140/175/210/245%
Fixed Strong Illusion buff on Phantasm being dispellable (which would cause illusions to die to illusion killing effects after that)
Level 10 talent +20 Movement Speed replaced with +200 Reality Rift Target Pull Distance
Level 10 talent +5 all stats replaced with +20% Chaos Strike Lifesteal
Level 15 talent +35% Cleave replaced with -3s Chaos Bolt Cooldown
Chaos Bolt backswing reduced from 0.73 to 0.4
Chaos Bolt shard illusion now always lasts 6 seconds, rather than the duration of the stun.
Level 15 Talent changed from +14% Cooldown Reduction to +35% Cleave
Level 20 Talent changed from +8s Phantasm Duration to +0.5s Min/Max Chaos Bolt Duration
Level 25 Talent changed from +1s Min/Max Chaos Bolt Duration to +10s Phantasm Duration
Added Aghanim's Shard
- Upgrades Chaos Bolt
- Chaos Bolt creates a Phantasm illusion attacking the target for the duration of the stun.
- Increases cast range by 300.
- Upgrades Chaos Bolt
Base Agility increased from 14 to 18
Base armor increased by 1
Chaos Strike now has a 30% chance to proc instead of using a cooldown
Phantasm cooldown reduced from 125 to 75
Phantasm illusion count reduced from 3 to 1/2/3
Phantasm illusion outgoing damage increased from 40/70/100% to 100%
Phantasm illusions no longer have an extra 25% magic resistance
Phantasm manacost reduced from 125/200/275 to 75/125/175
Level 15 Talent increased from +12% Cooldown Reduction to +14%
Level 25 Talent changed from +1.5 Max Chaos Bolt Duration to +1s Min/Max Chaos Bolt Duration
Level 25 Talent changed from -1.5s Chaos Strike Cooldown to +10% Chaos Strike Chance
Level 10 Talent increased from +4 All Stats to +5
Level 10 Talent increased from +15 Movement Speed to +20
All talents are now about 20% weaker
Reduced Phantasm cooldown from 145/135/125 to 125 on each level.
Phantasm cooldown reduced from 145 to 145/135/125
Reality Rift cast range increased from 475/550/625/700 to 550/600/650/750
Reality Rift armor reduction increased from 2/3/4/5 to 3/4/5/6
Phantasm incoming damage reduced from 350% to 325%
Level 20 Talent changed from +150 Gold/Min to +10s Phantasm Duration
Chaos Strike max crit increased from 140/165/190/215 to 140/170/200/230%
Agility gain reduced from 2.1 to 1.4
Chaos Bolt now releases fake projectiles from nearby illusions
Reality Rift:
- No longer slows
- Now reduces armor by 2/3/4/5 for 6 seconds
- Cooldown from 14/11/8/5 to 15/12/9/6
Chaos Strike max crit reduced from 160/200/240/280% to 140/165/190/215%
- Outgoing damage rescaled from 50/75/100 to 40/70/100%
- Incoming damage increased from 260% to 350%
- Illusions now have 25% Magic Resistance bonus
- Illusions are now considered Strong Illusions and cannot be instantly killed with spells
Reworked Scepter:
- When you cast Phantasm, causes every allied hero to create an illusion (same stats as Phantasm illusions)
- Your hero gets an additional illusion as well
- Does not interrupt allies
Chaos Strike max crit increased from 160/195/230/265% to 160/200/240/280%
Level 15 Talent increased from +12% Cooldown Reduction to +15%
Reality Rift cooldown reduced from 20/15/10/5 to 14/11/8/5
Chaos Bolt mana cost reduced from 140 to 110/120/130/140
Strength gain reduced from 3.7 to 3.4
Chaos Bolt minimum damage increased from 60/90/120/150 to 90/110/130/150
Chaos Bolt maximum damage increased from 180/210/240/270 to 180/220/260/300
Chaos Bolt minimum stun changed from 1/1/1/2 to 1.25/1.5/1.75/2.0
Chaos Bolt maximum stun changed from 2/3/4/4 to 2.2/2.8/3.4/4
Chaos Bolt cooldown increased from 10 to 13/12/11/10
Phantasm Scepter now also reduces incoming illusion damage from 260% to 180%
Chaos Strike lifesteal rescaled from 40/50/60/70% to 25/40/55/70%
Chaos Strike cooldown reduced from 7/6/5/4 to 4
Chaos Strike lifesteal reduced from 50/55/60/65% to 40/50/60/70%
Chaos Strike max damage increased from 160/190/220/250% to 160/195/230/265%
Reality Rift slow duration increased from 2 to 3
Reality Rift slow reduced from 15/25/35/45% to 10/20/30/40%
Chaos Strike lifesteal increased from 35/45/55/65% to 50/55/60/65%
Chaos Strike lifesteal increased from 35/40/45/50% to 35/45/55/65%
Chaos Strike cooldown from 8/7/6/5 to 7/6/5/4
Phantasm damage increased from 40/70/100% to 50/75/100%
Reworked Chaos Strike
- Passive cooldown ability
- Lands a critical strike for a random amount, between Min Crit: 120% and Max Crit: 160/190/220/250%
- Has 35/40/45/50% lifesteal for this hit
- Cooldown: 8/7/6/5
Reality Rift no longer reduces armor
Reality Rift now moves the target a fixed amount of distance: 250/300/350/400
Reality Rift now maims the target applying a 15/25/35/45% movement and 30/50/70/90 attack speed slow for 2 seconds
Reality Rift cooldown rescaled from 18/14/10/6 to 20/15/10/5
Reality Rift cast range from 550/600/650/700 to 475/550/625/700
Chaos Bolt minimum damage rescaled from 75/100/125/150 to 60/90/120/150
Chaos Bolt maximum damage rescaled from 200/225/250/275 to 180/210/240/270
Chaos Bolt projectile speed reduced from 1000 to 700
Phantasm no longer has a chance to summon an extra illusion
Phantasm illusion count increased from 1/2/3 to 3
Phantasm illusion damage rescaled from 100% to 40/70/100%
Phantasm illusion duration reduced from 42 to 30
Level 25 Talent changed from -7 Reality Rift Armor Reduction to -2s Chaos Strike Cooldown
Base intelligence increased by 2
Base movement speed reduced by 5
Base armor reduced by 1
Phantasm cooldown increased from 130 to 145
Reworked Talent Tree
Base strength increased from 20 to 22
Reality Rift cast point reduced from 0.4 to 0.3
Reality Rift cooldown from 24/18/12/6 to 18/14/10/6
Chaos Strike lifesteal from 65% to 75%
Phantasm Illusion damage taken from 200% to 260%
Level 10 Talent from +7 Intelligence to +8
Level 15 Talent from +15 Movement Speed to +20
Reality Rift armor debuff rescaled from -3/4/5/6 to -1/3/5/7
Fixed Chaos Strike lifesteal ignoring armor reductions
Chaos Strike lifesteal increased from 50% to 65%
Reality Rift now applies a -3/4/5/6 armor debuff on the target instead of dealing bonus damage
Chaos Strike no longer applies a -5 armor debuff
Chaos Strike crit chance increased from 10% to 12%
Chaos Strike now lifesteals for 50% when it crits
- (Illusions benefit from this as well)
Added Scepter:
- Allows Phantasm to be cast on an allied hero
- Reduces Phantasm cooldown by 20 seconds
- 1200 Cast Range
Added Talent Tree
Phantasm cooldown reduced from 140 to 130
Reality Rift bonus damage increased from 60/80/100/120 to 60/100/140/180
Chaos Strike now lowers the target's armor by 5 for 8 seconds whenever it crits
Chaos Strike critical damage reduced from 150/200/250/300% to 125/175/225/275%
Chaos Bolt minimum damage from 1/50/75/100 to 75/100/125/150
Reality Rift damage increased from 25/50/75/100 to 60/80/100/120
Reality Rift mana cost from 70 to 50
Phantasm illusion duration increased from 34 to 42
Phantasm Illusion duration increased from 24 to 34
Phantasm now has a 50% chance to create one extra illusion when cast
Chaos Bolt damage and stun values are now inversely related
Chaos Bolt stun is no longer partially undodgeable (now a normal projectile with 1000 speed)
Phantasm cooldown reduced from 180/160/140 to 140
Phantasm mana cost reduced from 175/225/275 to 125/200/275
Chaos Bolt damage improved from 1-200 to 1-200/50-225/75-250/100-275
Base strength increased by 3
Phantasm duration increased from 20 to 24
Reality Rift mana cost increased from 50 to 70
Starting str decreased by 4 and increased base damage by 4 to keep it constant
Cast Point Improved
Reworked his Blink Strike
Phantasm cooldown decreased from 180 to 180/160/140
Improved Chaos Knight's cast point
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